Monday, 24 March 2014


1. Translate the following text into Catalan: 

Today, if we just want to browse the web, we can do almost everything with one program - a web browser. A browser is one kind of 'net interface'. Net interfaces are programs which sit between you and the internet and help you and the Net make sense to each other. The browser takes care of the technical details of connecting you to the web, and makes sure that the information from the internet arrives in a way that makes sense to you. It also finds out what you want to do, and passes on the information in a way that the internet can understand.

Avui, si nosaltres volem el pagina web, ells poden fer un dels programes sempre. Un navegador es un lloc d'interifice de xarxa. L'interficie de xarxa son programes que entre tu i l'internet t'ajuda a entendre. El buscador agafa caracteristiques i detalls per la conexio en la web, i fabrica molta informacio per l'arribada de l'internet dins a cada cosa teva. També s'assabenta del que vols fer, i transmet la informació d'una manera que l'Internet pot entendre.

Websites are built in different ways. Pages that contain a lot of information but are not very interactive are called 'static' pages. These are usually written in a language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Interactive pages can be written in VBS (Visual Basic Script) or in JavaScript. Because it can be dangerous to run unknown programs, many interactive websites today use interactive scripts that don't run on your computer. These scripts often use a language developed for Personal Home Pages (php).

Els llocs web es construeixen en diferents parts. Les pagines contenen molta informacio pero no son molt interactius, son pagines estatiques. Aquestes normalment estan escrites en llenguatge HTML (HyperText Markup Language. Les pagines interactives poden estar escrites en VBS (Visual Basic Script) o en JavaScript. Perque potser que no funcioni per el funcionament amb programes, molts llocs webs d'avui utilitzen escriptures interactives, aquest no funciona en l'ordinador: Aquestes escriptues utilitzen un llenguatge desenvolupat per el Personal Home Pages (php).

2. Write a description for each piece of software:

A. word processor: A word processor is an or computer software application that, as directed by the user, performs word processing: the composition, editing, formatting and sometimes printing of any sort of written material. 

B. database:  is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. For example, modeling the availability of rooms in hotels in a way that supports finding a hotel with vacancies.

C. operating system: is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.

D. desktop publisher: 
Desktop publishing (abbreviated DTP) is the creation of documents using page layout skills on a personal computer. Desktop publishing software can generate layouts and produce typographic quality text and images comparable to traditionalty pography and printing.

3. Write the names for each piece of hardware: 
7.Hard disk

 4. Input device crossword:


9. 4.





Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Physical Consequences of gaming addiction

To be many hours on the computer can cause many symptoms, such as, vomiting, parasomnia, dizziness, etc..
It can be damaging during the life or cause certain fatal. In this case, the article also discusses many hours of computing unhealthy positions that can lead to unhealthy positions Also, sometimes you can cause changes in meals and may even get to stop eating. As the years pass, it can lead even a bad life with family.
Sometimes it also causes poor blood circulation. In addition, it also causes a lot of stress.

Work llorenç

Enter to ice cream shop

Employee: What ice cream do you want?
Leonard: I want a chocolate ice cream and lactose free.
Employee: Okey, and you -looking a Sheldon-.
Sheldon: I do not want an ice cream.
Leonard: why?
Sheldon: ice cream has a lot of fat.

Penny enter's in the ice cream shop
Penny: Hello sheldon and Leonard what are you're doing here.
Leonard: Buying ice cream lactose free
Penny: And you Sheldon?
Sheldon: I don't buy the ice cream.
Penny: why?
Sheldon: ice cream has a lot o fat.
Penny: But the ice cream is very good.
Sheldon: Because it produce effects and the  the most abundant product in the ice creams is air, and this is wasted money.
Penny: (face of doubt) Okey.... -looking a Employee- I want a strawberry ice cream.
Employee: Okey, the final price is the 4.50$.
Leonard: I pay.
Penny: thanks Leonard.
They go home.


Penny: she wear a green dress

Sheldon: he wear a green shit and black trousers.

Leonard: he wear a tracksuite

Employee: She wear a grey apron and jeans. 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Big Bang Theory Penny's predicament

1.-What Is Penny's Problem?

Howard and Chryste are kind of hooking up in the bedroom of Penny.

2.-What Will Sheldon Do If Penny Uses His Toothbrush?

He will jump over the window.

3.-What Does Leonard Offer Penny?

Leonard offers  penny to sleep on his bed or in the cauch.

4.-Where Did Penny Grow Up?

on a farm.

5.-What Does Penny Ask Leonard And Sheldon?

if she can stay the night 

6.-Frankly, If I Could Afford The __rent____, I'd Ask You To Leave.

Your __friendship_____ Means A Lot To Me As Well. What _else__?

7.-What Is Leonard Gonna Search ?

A blanket and a pillow for penny.

8.-What Is Culturally Universal?

How penny has to sleep in the bed.